Synopsis: After discovering that vampires populate her town, college student Claire Danvers knows that the undead just want to live their lives. But someone else wants them to get ready to rumble.
There's a new extreme sport getting picked up on the Internet: bare- knuckle fights pitting captured vampires against each other-or humans. Tracking the remote signal leads Claire- accompanied by her friends and frenemies-to discover that what started as an online brawl will soon threaten everyone in Morganville...
My thoughts: This book is great! I'm so glad to see my girls: Claire and Eve stepping up and taking some of reins...even if they had to to save their boys.
Claire meets someone new in one of her classes...which doesn't end well of course for him anyway. Stinky Doug gets killed over some vampire blood he stole. But come to find out he is in the new fight club in town (one that Shane joins). Claire goes to get the blood back before he ends up getting hurt only to find that he has already been murdered.
Upon investigating his death they find that Bishop is still alive and Glory is in charge of all the boys in town going crazy ( due to her glamouring them).
After Shane joins the fight club everything changes. He is angry all the time and takes it out on his friends and Claire. They all end up broken up and sad and trying to fins a way to get things back together again. Michael goes missing. But of course he is with Shane.
That leaves the girls to save the day. Claire turns to Amelie and the crazy girl, Kim. Kim, turns out to be setting them up to fail and escapes. Claire goes to Myrnin and together, plus with Eve they try to rescue the boys...In the end they kill Bishop and Glory and get the boys back and I hope everything goes back to normal.......
Oh and guess whose engaged.
My rating: 5 stars